Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence
The future of leadership.

Emotional intelligence refers to a different way of being smart. EI is a key to high performance, particularly for outstanding leadership. It’s not your IQ, but rather it’s how you manage yourself and your relationships with others.
– Daniel Goleman

Understanding how emotions shape your thoughts and actions is the first step to gaining greater control over your behaviour. Developing the skills to manage yourself and other people more effectively maximises your influence as a leader.

As work continues to evolve, the significance of EI is expected to become more critical.  Leaders who can effectively manage their emotions and foster strong relationships within their teams will be better equipped to navigate shifting circumstances and steer their organizations towards success in an increasingly complex and unpredictable business world. 

Building emotional intelligence for leaders

At Pelios, our starting point for building emotional intelligence in leaders is a systematic assessment of the core competencies that make up emotional intelligence and which have been shown to support effective leadership behaviours. We use the Emotional Capital Report (ECR), a psychometric assessment to help leaders understand their strengths and development areas across the key emotional intelligence competencies that underpin great leadership.

The ECR is based on a well-researched model of emotional intelligence and was developed by Martyn Newman and Judy Purse (Newman, 2007) . It is a valid and reliable self-rated online assessment tool. The ECR 360 is a multi-rater edition of the ECR. Used in conjunction with the ECR, the ECR 360 combines a self-report with a multi-rater assessment to provide a complete 360-degree overview of an individual’s emotional intelligence. We use the ECR assessment as a basis to inform our coaching conversations and leadership development planning.

The ECR assesses ten core competencies which link to successful leadership.


recognizing how your feelings impact on your opinions, attitudes and judgements.


being able to control your emotions and show restraint until you have had the time and space to think in a detached and rational manner


being able to accept and respect yourself as you are


being able to plan, make decisions and take responsibility with relative comfort and ease (ie. you don't need others to verify your actions)


being aware of, understanding and appreciating the feelings of others' 'thoughts and feelings'

Relationship Skills

being able to build collaborative, positive relationships where both parties benefit.


communicating feelings, thoughts and beliefs in a clear, open manner


being able to sense opportunities and focus on what can be achieved and bounce back quickly from setbacks


learning to manage emotional energy in order to maintain an enthusiastic commitment to long-term goals


a key skill to develop in any workplace - especially at times of uncertainty and doubt- adaptability is your capacity to react well to change, be open to new ideas, and adjust your emotions, thoughts and behaviours

Pelios is an executive coaching and mentoring practice for senior leaders.


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